Doctor Hannibal Lecter and young FBI agent Clarice Starling...
A Film, which has changed the life of Jodie Foster, who played the major role and gave her an Oscar, which has opened the door to the great Hollywood career. What about Hopkins? hmm he was already known, but... He became an icon, after this film. No one could ever play Dr Lecter better.
Just take a look at this amazing couple:
The connetion, the kind of chemistry between them is seen from the very first moment.
Ok. I am into this film so badly, that I forgot to say what is about....
A young F.B.I. cadet must confide in an incarcerated and manipulative killer (amazing Anthony Hopkins) to receive his help on catching another serial killer who skins his victims called Buffalo Bill[ IMDb- The Silence of the Lambs]
This film is not about catching a serialr killer for me. It's about psychological game. A game between this people. Lecter plays with Starling, Starling palys with Lecter and Bufflo Bill and what is the most terryfying herself.
This movie is not only amazing, because of actors. What is more, there is a music.
Listen to this famous theme song:
Ok, let's move to characeterization. Remeber it is 1991.
In Film and ... in real life
Now it's time for iconic scenes:
In book there were no glass |
He won't play hokey |
Bloody... |
In 1991 I would be scared... |
That face! |
Fianlly trailer:
Watch it and tell me:
1. Why lambs?
2. Who is the real villan? Is there only one?
3. Was there any funny moment?
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