Thursday, 24 November 2016

After Creepy Serialkiller(s), time for a fairytale...

Of course, no fairytales with me.,,
Ok there  was 1927, there was also 1991. Now, Let's move to our century. Please welcome 2013 and New point of view. Snow White? Yeah, classic story with a pretty girl with seven dwarfs. What if it isn't so obvious?
Here is Snow White and the Huntsman. Ok. I need to be honest from the beginnig. This movie is good because of the stunning Charlize Therone. Look a the poster and think who steals the show?

My answer: Defenetely not Kristen Stewart (aka forever open mouth Bella Swan) Chris is just handsome, but Charlize she plays. No she is the Evil Queen.

Other proves: Posters:

Ok this story itself is not about our lovely Snow White, but about evil Queen, how and why she did what she did. However, my idea is to look at this more deeply, we should not watch is as fairytale for adults. In my opinion this film had a great potential, but was destroyed by really bad acting of our infamous Bella, sorry her name was Kristen. Who cares?
Charlize is a class herself, Chris has great potential, but... You know...

Few scenes:

"Mirrormirror on the wall. Who is fairest of them all?"

Stunning even if she's screaming

Her always open mouth

He is here to fight.

not so gloomy

Defenetely the best scene of Kristen Stewart


Look like she is trying to walk like a girl :)

Ok this is the only scene from classic Snow White

Kristen is better whitout the dress

Characterization and cotumes are  pretty-awesome. Just to take a look at the diferences

Okey I still got the feeling that I forgot about something...

Now Music. In this movie there is one and only song: "Breath of Life" by Florence and the Machine. My dear God- this is the music, this is the voice. Choir plus strong voice of Florence Welch equals MAGIC!!!

This is how it should be good movie music be done!

I know I didn't write anything about the plot. But really I don't have to. Watch the trailer:

Oh I know. I forgot about the prince, which is completely irrelevant and boring.:)

Few questions as always.
1. Was it a nice idea to make Snow White such a strong woman?
2. What about the title of this movie? Is it acceptable?
3. What would you have changed (except Kristen Stewart of course)?
4. Is it really such a difference between the classic Story and this Film?

Poof. And I'm gone. :)

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